
Lomi Lomi Introductory Workshop

Introductory Workshop Dates

October 05
October 10


February 08 
March 13
 July 17
October 09
 October 18

Infuse the Blessings and Wisdom of Aloha into massage!   

Introductory Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Workshops are held on the first day of every full Practitioner Training as both share the same syllabus.

You will be amazed and inspired by how easily you can enhance your massage skills and understanding in just one day! Become immersed in the joyful and loving secrets of Aloha that fill ancient and beautiful Lomi Lomi massage. Infuse the power of Aloha into your regular massage practice by learning to work with greater concentration, care, expanded awareness and deep feelings of good will.

In this Workshop you will:

  • Experience the wisdom and paradise of Hawaii through guided visualization
  • Receive and give basic back of the body Hawaiian Massage strokes
  • Sense the dance-like grace, ease, and alignment of your body flowing with the rhythm of the ocean waves
  • Use hands, forearms and body weight to create the long, flowing, continuous and beautiful strokes unique to Lomi Lomi
  • Advance your bodywork to new levels of depth and connection
  • Bring the Spirit of Aloha into your hands to give your clients more meaningful nourishment, revitalisation, inner calm, and relaxation

Accredited by the CThA, FHT, Think Tree Hub    

Number of CPD Points gained varies per Practitioner Association

Cost: £135

The Touch of Aloha

Bring the unique essence, beauty, and touch of Hawaiian massage to all styles of hands-on therapy and transform your experience and performance of massage.

Become more focused and engaged, open hearted, energised, relaxed, and effective. Bring noticeable benefits to your clients while also protecting your body from injury and fatigue.

Take your massage performance to new levels of possibility and enjoyment, while helping yourself feel much more fulfilled and empowered as a Professional Practitioner. Suitable for all therapists.

Each topic addresses the basic principles and practices of Hawaiian Massage while emphasizing the important techniques of the different aspects of classical massage. Together these build a comprehensive foundation of readily applicable new skills and approaches to all types of therapy practice.

The difference between this workshop and the Lomi Lomi Introductory Workshop is the emphasise on infusing the Spirit of Aloha into every therapeutic situation rather than focusing on Lomi Lomi strokes and style of massage.

Massage for CouplesGive the Gift of Love Through Non-sexual Intimacy

Imagine sharing nourishing, adoring, and relaxing massage with your beloved in a sincere, pure, and meaningful way!

Whether your relationship is fully flush with  romance, or you are wishing to rekindle  passion, Hawaiian Massage for Couples safely ignites these glorious feelings through connection, kindness, and care.

The ancient Hawaiians understood the healing Power of Loving Touch in building strong, loving relationships on all levels of exchange as an integral foundation to their sense of wellbeing, their daily lives, core values and cultural heritage.

In this unforgettable workshop you are shown ways to:

  • Introduce Hawaiian ideals of connection, kindness, and care in everyday life
  • Understand how the Power of Loving Touch helps build loving relationships
  • Experience deep levels of intimacy
  • Spend time wrapped in the loving touch of Aloha Spirit
  • Breathe new life into your relationship
  • Rediscover and renew your feelings and flames of love
  • Learn new ways to engage with each other

Intimacy is an essential and cherished aspect of a loving relationship. When absent it shows us where we can rebuild the bonds that help love flourish again. Equally when things are going well enough, there is always scope for
more. Intimacy enables us to feel appreciated for who we are and encourages us to fearlessly open the channels for both giving and receiving love. In this workshop learn to share the Hawaiian secret to expressing deep levels of intimacy through the safety of pure touch, sincere intention,
anointing of oil, and the lovely flowing strokes unique to Hawaiian Massage.

In the modern world of busy lives and fast love, the value of closeness is often overlooked and misinterpreted. Indeed, intimacy seems to have become fused and confused with sexuality, when in fact they can each  be  wholesomely expressed  as two separate entities. For many people, satisfying intimacy is an essential precursor to satisfying sexual experience. Rediscovering this vital distinction is essential for long term trust and  fulfilment. Attendees are invited to  remove
their clothing to receive massage and to explore deeper levels of intimacy through sensual touch rather than sexual. In this Workshop couples will only massage each other although other couples may be attending.  

This workshop is a rare and precious experience of learning to give love through non-sexual intimacy. Celebrate weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, Valentines and Christmas. Help your partner to relax and receive your love while appreciating just how much you care. This workshop is a safe space to express love and goodwill beyond words. 

Huna Wisdom & Shamanism

This workshop is especially appealing to thinking, feeling, caring, and passionate people who want to infuse the powerful Spirit of Aloha into their lives in every way possible.

Become empowered to manifest your life’s inner directive through realignment with the Hawaiian Universal Principles of Life for greater self-awareness, confidence, wholeness, and connection with your Higher Self. 

Each topic in this workshop builds upon the other to create a wholesome picture of infinite possibilities that are already present in life, waiting to be explored and enjoyed.

These topics include:

  • Hawaiian Universal Principles
  • Emotions, Mind, Body and Spirit
  • The Truth about Reality
  • Life Force Energy and Health
  • The Power of Thought
  • Living in the Present
  • Visioning the Future

Ho’o Pono Pono Forgiveness

Are your limiting beliefs about yourself really your own? 

Have you in fact allowed these beliefs into your consciousness from the collective suffering of past generations? 

Would you like to discover how to release them and transform your life into peace, harmony, and joy?

In this workshop, search into the depths of your hurting heart to find the pure stillness of love within that blesses and forgives all. 

Allow your mind to become still as you clear unwanted emotional disturbances that have been inhibiting your higher choices and expressions.

For centuries the Hawaiians have known about the immense healing power of forgiveness. Their most cherished custom was to practice Ho’o Pono Pono on a regular basis within family and social groups to sustain states of trust, calm, safety, and relaxation. Because the Hawaiians highest value was to embody the flowing gracious spirit of Aloha in every way, they had zero tolerance for dishonesty and disharmony and made every effort to dispel their effects as quickly as possible.